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Fascinating world of politics Trumpism, Brexit, right-wing populism – why now? Cryptocurrencies – a bubble? Why democracies come and go? Why revolutions? Why they happen in one place, but not the …
What is political science? The systematic study of observable political phenomena by developing theoretical explanations and testing these explanations (hypotheses) through various empirical methods. …
The history of the discipline Politics as a separate area of study <- phenomenon of the 20th century. Before It was studied along with philosophy, history, law, sociology and economics First …
Behavioral Revolution The WWII and Cold War -> need for political science analysis Improvement in methods: use of more sophisticated empirical research techniques Against atheoretical, descriptive …
Behavioral Revolution 1940s and the 1960s New data from opinion polls Survey research techniques, interview methods, statistical analysis Two traditions: Rational choice scholars: explain behaviour …
New Institutionalism 1980s and early 1990s Synthesis of two traditions: How institutional rules and procedures shape actors’ interaction is more nuanced than formal models Political institutions also …
The modern political science ‘toolkit’ 1. Political behavior: Beliefs and actions of political actors, based on their interests and political preferences. Who are political actors? Citizens, voters, …
The rational choice theory The method of economics in the study of politics A similar idea about state interests dates back many years - rational choice applies this to individuals. Basic assumptions …
The main characteristics 1) Rationality assumption “People make reasoned decisions to reach their goals, irrespective of what their specific goals may be” (McCubbins and Thies, p. 3). Rationality …
The main characteristics 2) Component analysis Simplification and abstraction are necessary to understand complex phenomena. Example: how natural resources affect autocrat’s survival Tries to capture …
The main characteristics 3) Strategic behavior and games The interaction between people can alter their behavior accordingly. People realize that other people’s behavior will affect their pursuit of …
The prisoner’s dilemma Players’ choices: Two people are arrested who are suspected of committing a crime and are interrogated separately. Optimal outcome – if both stay quiet BUT: If Pl 1 stays …
The prisoner’s dilemma Even if each player individually acts rationally, the collective outcomes is suboptimal.
Criticism against rational choice The assumptions about people are wrong People are not always rational or self-interested. (Altruism - is it a different form of self-interest?) People do not work …
Institutionalism «Institutions are the rules of the game in a society or, more formally, are the humanly devised constraints that shape human interaction. In consequence they structure incentives in …
Traditional (old) institutionalism One of the oldest approaches in the study of politics. Concerns itself with formal rules, organizations and structures of the government. Focuses on historical …
New institutionalism From a focus on organizations to a focus on rules: Political institutions are no longer equated with political organizations, they are seen as a ‘set of rules’ that guide and …
New institutionalism From submerged values to a value-critical stance: Instead of establishing values for a universal concept of “good government” , the focus is on identifying the societal values …
Criticism against institutionalism The definition of institution: Too broad? Non-falsifiable? What are rules of the game? Genesis and transformation of institutions: Where do they come from? How do …
Rational Choice Institutionalism
Electoral College in the US Formal body in the US to elect President and VP Number of electors in each state= Senate+House of Representatives “It was created to strengthen the agrarian elite, offer …
Fundamental equation of politics Preferences*Institutions =Outcomes Charles Plott, 1991
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