Презентация «What can we do to save the Earth?»

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Презентация «What can we do to save the Earth?»

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What can we do to save the Earth?
What can we do to save the Earth?
People can stop to drop litter.
People can stop to drop litter.
People can burn waste instead of just throwing away.
People can burn waste instead of just throwing away.
People can stop to kill insects birds animals.
People can stop to kill insects birds animals.
People can stop to cut down trees and plant more trees.
People can stop to cut down trees and plant more trees.
People can not to suffocate from poisonous gases.
People can not to suffocate from poisonous gases.
People can stop to pollute water, land and air.
People can stop to pollute water, land and air.
People must not waste paper, plastic, metal ,glass.
People must not waste paper, plastic, metal ,glass.
People can recycle waste.
People can recycle waste.
People must build more recycling centers.
People must build more recycling centers.
People must use more paper packaging instead of plastic packaging.
People must use more paper packaging instead of plastic packaging.
People must stop to burn forests and take care of wild animals
People must stop to burn forests and take care of wild animals
The end!
The end!

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