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WEATHER RADAR SYSTEM Purpose The weather radar (WXR) system supplies these visual indications: Weather conditions Windshear events Land contours.
Description Description WXR operates on the same principle as an echo. The WXR system transmits radio frequency (RF) pulses in a 180 degree area forward of the airplane. Objects reflect the pulses …
WXR SYSTEM - POWER AND ANALOG INTERFACES WXR SYSTEM - POWER AND ANALOG INTERFACES System Power and ON/OFF The WXR receiver transmitter (R/T) gets 115v ac through the WXR RT circuit breaker from the …
Discretes Discretes The GPWS sends an inhibit discrete to the PWS. The discrete inhibits PWS aural alerts if the GPWS alerts are a higher priority. The PWS aural alert will stop when a higher GPWS …
WXR SYSTEM - CONTROL AND DISPLAY INTERFACE WXR SYSTEM - CONTROL AND DISPLAY INTERFACE Digital Inputs The WXR R/T receives data from these systems: Air data inertial reference system (ADIRS) Radio …
WXR SYSTEM - ANTENNA CONTROL INTERFACE WXR SYSTEM - ANTENNA CONTROL INTERFACE Antenna Tilt The WXR panel supplies antenna tilt control signals to the WXR R/T. Attitude Sources The WXR R/T uses ADIRU …
WXR SYSTEM - CONTROL PANEL WXR SYSTEM - CONTROL PANEL General The weather radar (WXR) control panel has these functions: Mode selection Tilt control Gain control. Mode Selector The captain and first …
Tilt Control The tilt control adjusts the antenna tilt angle from +15 degrees to -15 degrees. Gain Control The gain controls adjust the gain for the WXR R/T signal returns. The switches have 10 …
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