Слайды и текст доклада
УМК «Spotlight» 11 (Английский в фокусе)
Спонтанное (не запланир. ) решение Спонтанное (не запланир. ) решение намерение выполнить действие в ответ на чью-либо просьбу просьба о помощи в вопросительных предложениях предложение сделать …
I will send you the information when I get it. I will send you the information when I get it. Will you make dinner? I will do your homework for you. OK. I’ll buy it.
arrangements between people arrangements between people fixed plans
for actions according to the timetables, programmes, schedules for actions according to the timetables, programmes, schedules
based on: based on: something objective He will be 30 next week. our ideas, opinion I hope you will pass your exams. I think Chelsea will win.
What future forms are used for planned actions? What future forms are used for planned actions? Does the Present Simple Tense have a future meaning? What form is used for spontaneous decisions, …
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