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types of constructions in Russia
"Stalinka", years of construction from the middle of the 30th on 1960. "Stalinka", years of construction from the middle of the 30th on 1960. "Stalinka" or Stalin house …
‘’Khrushchevka’’ years of construction 1956 — 1985. ‘’Khrushchevka’’ years of construction 1956 — 1985. Houses of this type have appeared during an era of government of N. S. Khrushchev when the main …
Houses of the individual project, years of construction from the 70th so far. Houses of the individual project, years of construction from the 70th so far. The houses not of standard series and which …
"Ships", years of construction 1969 — 1982. "Ships", years of construction 1969 — 1982. "Ships" — the most recognizable, third generation of panel houses of standard …
An izba is a traditional Russian countryside dwelling. Often a log house, it forms the living quarters of a conventional Russian farmstead. It is generally built close to the road and inside a yard, …
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