Презентация «The types of aircraft engines»

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Презентация «The types of aircraft engines»

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Thrust is the pulling or pushing force developed by an aircraft engine. Aircraft need thrust to prop
Thrust is the pulling or pushing force developed by an aircraft engine. Aircraft need thrust to propel them through air. The required thrust may be developed by rotating pulling or pushing propellers …
The piston engine A simple piston engine works on a four-stroke cycle, consisting of induction, comp
The piston engine A simple piston engine works on a four-stroke cycle, consisting of induction, compression, combustion and exhaust.
The ramjet But air flows straight through a jet engine. Yet a jet engine has the same four stages. T
The ramjet But air flows straight through a jet engine. Yet a jet engine has the same four stages. The simplest of all jet engines is a ramjet. It is a tapered tube, open at both ends, into which …
The gas turbine engine The gas turbine engine draws air from the atmosphere and, after compressing a
The gas turbine engine The gas turbine engine draws air from the atmosphere and, after compressing and heating, it uses some of its energy to drive the turbine that powers the compressor. The …
The turbojet engine The turbojet engine is most suitable for high forward speeds. At aircraft speeds
The turbojet engine The turbojet engine is most suitable for high forward speeds. At aircraft speeds below 450 miles per hour the jet engine is less efficient than a propeller-type engine.
The turboprop engine The advantages of the turboprop engine have to some extent been offset by the i
The turboprop engine The advantages of the turboprop engine have to some extent been offset by the introduction of the bypass and ducted fan engines. These engines deal with larger comparative …
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Thanks you for attention

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