Презентация «The treatment of rheumatic endocarditis»

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Презентация «The treatment of rheumatic endocarditis»

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Kazakh-Russian Medical University Theme:The treatment of rheumatic endocarditis Done by: Mukash B. G
Kazakh-Russian Medical University Theme:The treatment of rheumatic endocarditis Done by: Mukash B. Group: 206 A Faculty: GM Checked by: Kosbatyrova N.
Plan: 1. Treatment of rheumatic endocarditis 2. Test
Plan: 1. Treatment of rheumatic endocarditis 2. Test
Endocarditis Treatment Endocarditis Treatment is often difficult, the inability to quickly establish
Endocarditis Treatment Endocarditis Treatment is often difficult, the inability to quickly establish a diagnosis. In addition, the pathology may be "masked" for other syndromes. It is …
Antibiotic therapy Microbicides used in high doses by intravenous drip. the use of one drug are ofte
Antibiotic therapy Microbicides used in high doses by intravenous drip. the use of one drug are often ineffective, then use a combination of drugs. Depending on the pathogen used: benzyl penicillin, …
«The treatment of rheumatic endocarditis», слайд 5
«The treatment of rheumatic endocarditis», слайд 6
«The treatment of rheumatic endocarditis», слайд 7
Questions. 1. What drugs are used by intravenous drip? 2. To what end use a combination of drugs? 3.
Questions. 1. What drugs are used by intravenous drip? 2. To what end use a combination of drugs? 3. Which drugs are used in staphylococcal endocarditis? 4. What drugs are used for administration by …

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