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Kazakh-Russian Medical University Theme:The treatment of rheumatic endocarditis Done by: Mukash B. Group: 206 A Faculty: GM Checked by: Kosbatyrova N.
Plan: 1. Treatment of rheumatic endocarditis 2. Test
Endocarditis Treatment Endocarditis Treatment is often difficult, the inability to quickly establish a diagnosis. In addition, the pathology may be "masked" for other syndromes. It is …
Antibiotic therapy Microbicides used in high doses by intravenous drip. the use of one drug are often ineffective, then use a combination of drugs. Depending on the pathogen used: benzyl penicillin, …
Questions. 1. What drugs are used by intravenous drip? 2. To what end use a combination of drugs? 3. Which drugs are used in staphylococcal endocarditis? 4. What drugs are used for administration by …
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