Презентация «The Thirteen American Colonies»

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Презентация «The Thirteen American Colonies»

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The Thirteen American Colonies By Maxim Kondratyuk 11B
The Thirteen American Colonies By Maxim Kondratyuk 11B
The Thirteen Colonies were a group of British colonies on the east coast of North America founded in
The Thirteen Colonies were a group of British colonies on the east coast of North America founded in the 17th and 18th centuries that declared independence in 1776 and formed the United States. The …
Each group of colonies had its unique aspects in many areas, from architecture to economics. They al
Each group of colonies had its unique aspects in many areas, from architecture to economics. They all had a common goal: to govern themselves and to have a say in how they were represented. Each …
They were divided into three groups, as below: New England colonies: Province of Massachusetts Bay,
They were divided into three groups, as below: New England colonies: Province of Massachusetts Bay, later Massachusetts and Maine, a crown colony Province of New Hampshire, later New Hampshire, a …
The Flag of the First Thirteen Colonies
The Flag of the First Thirteen Colonies

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