Презентация «The Rock. Dwayne Douglas Johnson»

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Презентация «The Rock. Dwayne Douglas Johnson»

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«The Rock. Dwayne Douglas Johnson», слайд 2
«The Rock. Dwayne Douglas Johnson», слайд 3
Dwayne Douglas Johnson was born on May 2, 1972 in Hayward, California, the son of Ata Johnson (née M
Dwayne Douglas Johnson was born on May 2, 1972 in Hayward, California, the son of Ata Johnson (née Maivia) and professional wrestler Rocky Johnson (born Wayde Douglas Bowles). His maternal …
Dwayne Douglas Johnson was born on May 2, 1972 in Hayward, California, the son of Ata Johnson (née M
Dwayne Douglas Johnson was born on May 2, 1972 in Hayward, California, the son of Ata Johnson (née Maivia) and professional wrestler Rocky Johnson (born Wayde Douglas Bowles). His maternal …
The success of Johnson's wrestling character allowed him to cross over into mainstream pop cult
The success of Johnson's wrestling character allowed him to cross over into mainstream pop culture. He appeared on Wyclef Jean's 2000 single "It Doesn't Matter" and in its …
The Rock has been listed as one of the all-time greatest professional wrestlers as well as one of th
The Rock has been listed as one of the all-time greatest professional wrestlers as well as one of the top box office draws in wrestling history.
«The Rock. Dwayne Douglas Johnson», слайд 8
«The Rock. Dwayne Douglas Johnson», слайд 9

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