Презентация «The phenomenon of radioactivity. Radioisotopes. The nuclear reaction»

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Презентация «The phenomenon of radioactivity. Radioisotopes. The nuclear reaction»

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Topic of the lesson
Topic of the lesson
Learning objectives:
Learning objectives:
Frontal questions:
Frontal questions:
Look at the graph of stable elements which is commonly referred to as the Band (or Belt) of Stabilit
Look at the graph of stable elements which is commonly referred to as the Band (or Belt) of Stability and describe it.
Q1. Identify the following as Alpha, beta, gamma or neutron:
Q1. Identify the following as Alpha, beta, gamma or neutron:
Q2. Complete the following nuclear equations (the question marks)
Q2. Complete the following nuclear equations (the question marks)
Q3. Throium-232 undergoes radioactive decay until a stable isotope is reached. Write the nuclear rea
Q3. Throium-232 undergoes radioactive decay until a stable isotope is reached. Write the nuclear reaction for each of the 11 steps in the decay of Th-238 with each product becoming the reactant of …
Summing up the lesson
Summing up the lesson
Summing up the lesson
Summing up the lesson

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