Презентация «The global burden of postpartum haemorrhage. Postpartum haemorrhage (PPH) is the leading cause of maternal death worldwide»

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Презентация «The global burden of postpartum haemorrhage. Postpartum haemorrhage (PPH) is the leading cause of maternal death worldwide»

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«The global burden of postpartum haemorrhage. Postpartum haemorrhage (PPH) is the leading cause of maternal death worldwide», слайд 1
The global burden of postpartum haemorrhage The global burden of postpartum haemorrhage
The global burden of postpartum haemorrhage The global burden of postpartum haemorrhage
What is postpartum haemorrhage? Postpartum haemorrhage (PPH) is the leading cause of maternal death
What is postpartum haemorrhage? Postpartum haemorrhage (PPH) is the leading cause of maternal death worldwide. Postpartum haemorrhage (PPH) is commonly defined as a blood loss of 500 ml or more …
New findings on uterotonics for PPH prevention 2. Uterotonics for PPH prevention
New findings on uterotonics for PPH prevention 2. Uterotonics for PPH prevention
New findings on uterotonics for PPH prevention 2. Uterotonics for PPH prevention
New findings on uterotonics for PPH prevention 2. Uterotonics for PPH prevention
A systematic approach The recommendations were updated according to the standards of the WHO handboo
A systematic approach The recommendations were updated according to the standards of the WHO handbook on guideline development
GDG formulates the recommendations The Guideline Development Group (GDG) convened in September &
GDG formulates the recommendations The Guideline Development Group (GDG) convened in September & October 2018 The GDG comprised 18 external experts and relevant stakeholders with expertise in …
What works? Efficacy and safety of uterotonics for PPH prevention uterotonic options vs placebo or n
What works? Efficacy and safety of uterotonics for PPH prevention uterotonic options vs placebo or no treatment 4. What are the updated WHO recommendations?
Recommendation 1. The use of an effective uterotonic for the prevention of PPH during the third stag
Recommendation 1. The use of an effective uterotonic for the prevention of PPH during the third stage of labour is recommended for all births. To effectively prevent PPH, only one of the following …
Recommendation 1. The use of an effective uterotonic for the prevention of PPH during the third stag
Recommendation 1. The use of an effective uterotonic for the prevention of PPH during the third stage of labour is recommended for all births. To effectively prevent PPH, only one of the following …
Recommendation 1. The use of an effective uterotonic for the prevention of PPH during the third stag
Recommendation 1. The use of an effective uterotonic for the prevention of PPH during the third stage of labour is recommended for all births. To effectively prevent PPH, only one of the following …
Recommendation 1. The use of an effective uterotonic for the prevention of PPH during the third stag
Recommendation 1. The use of an effective uterotonic for the prevention of PPH during the third stage of labour is recommended for all births. To effectively prevent PPH, only one of the following …
Recommendation 1. The use of an effective uterotonic for the prevention of PPH during the third stag
Recommendation 1. The use of an effective uterotonic for the prevention of PPH during the third stage of labour is recommended for all births. To effectively prevent PPH, only one of the following …
Recommendation 1. The use of an effective uterotonic for the prevention of PPH during the third stag
Recommendation 1. The use of an effective uterotonic for the prevention of PPH during the third stage of labour is recommended for all births. To effectively prevent PPH, only one of the following …
Recommendation 1. The use of an effective uterotonic for the prevention of PPH during the third stag
Recommendation 1. The use of an effective uterotonic for the prevention of PPH during the third stage of labour is recommended for all births. To effectively prevent PPH, only one of the following …
How do we compare uterotonics to one another? 4. Which one: identifying a uterotonic of choice
How do we compare uterotonics to one another? 4. Which one: identifying a uterotonic of choice
«The global burden of postpartum haemorrhage. Postpartum haemorrhage (PPH) is the leading cause of maternal death worldwide», слайд 17
4. Which one: Summary of judgements comparing uterotonics to oxytocin (reference) 4. Which one: Summ
4. Which one: Summary of judgements comparing uterotonics to oxytocin (reference) 4. Which one: Summary of judgements comparing uterotonics to oxytocin (reference)
4. Which one: Summary of judgements comparing uterotonics to oxytocin (reference) 4. Which one: Summ
4. Which one: Summary of judgements comparing uterotonics to oxytocin (reference) 4. Which one: Summary of judgements comparing uterotonics to oxytocin (reference)
4. Which one: Summary of judgements comparing uterotonics to oxytocin (reference) 4. Which one: Summ
4. Which one: Summary of judgements comparing uterotonics to oxytocin (reference) 4. Which one: Summary of judgements comparing uterotonics to oxytocin (reference)
4. Which one: Summary of judgements comparing uterotonics to oxytocin (reference) 4. Which one: Summ
4. Which one: Summary of judgements comparing uterotonics to oxytocin (reference) 4. Which one: Summary of judgements comparing uterotonics to oxytocin (reference)
4. Which one: Summary of judgements comparing uterotonics to oxytocin (reference) 4. Which one: Summ
4. Which one: Summary of judgements comparing uterotonics to oxytocin (reference) 4. Which one: Summary of judgements comparing uterotonics to oxytocin (reference)
4. Which one: Summary of judgements comparing uterotonics to oxytocin (reference) 4. Which one: Summ
4. Which one: Summary of judgements comparing uterotonics to oxytocin (reference) 4. Which one: Summary of judgements comparing uterotonics to oxytocin (reference)
4. Which one: Summary of judgements comparing uterotonics to oxytocin (reference) 4. Which one: Summ
4. Which one: Summary of judgements comparing uterotonics to oxytocin (reference) 4. Which one: Summary of judgements comparing uterotonics to oxytocin (reference)
Recommendation 2. In settings where multiple uterotonic options are available, oxytocin (10 IU, IM/I
Recommendation 2. In settings where multiple uterotonic options are available, oxytocin (10 IU, IM/IV) is the recommended uterotonic agent for the prevention of PPH for all births. Vaginal birth or …
Recommendation 3. In settings where oxytocin is unavailable (or its quality cannot be guaranteed), t
Recommendation 3. In settings where oxytocin is unavailable (or its quality cannot be guaranteed), the use of other injectable uterotonics (carbetocin, or if appropriate ergometrine/methylergometrine …
Recommendation 4. In settings where skilled health personnel are not present to administer injectabl
Recommendation 4. In settings where skilled health personnel are not present to administer injectable uterotonics, the administration of misoprostol (either 400 µg or 600 µg PO) by community health …
5. What’s new: wider scope, more evidence 5. What’s new: wider scope, more evidence
5. What’s new: wider scope, more evidence 5. What’s new: wider scope, more evidence
5. So what’s new: More recommendations, greater specificity 5. So what’s new: More recommendations,
5. So what’s new: More recommendations, greater specificity 5. So what’s new: More recommendations, greater specificity
6. implementing the updated WHO recommendations 6. implementing the updated WHO recommendations
6. implementing the updated WHO recommendations 6. implementing the updated WHO recommendations
Implementation considerations Update clinical guidance Develop or revise existing clinical guideline
Implementation considerations Update clinical guidance Develop or revise existing clinical guidelines, protocols or job aids
Implementation considerations Quality-certified uterotonics Regulatory, procurement and logistics pr
Implementation considerations Quality-certified uterotonics Regulatory, procurement and logistics processes that work
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