Презентация «The ecological problems. Pollution of our environment»

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Презентация «The ecological problems. Pollution of our environment»

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The ecological problems Pollution of our environment
The ecological problems Pollution of our environment
People have always polluted their surroundings. Even in ancient times people admitted that their hea
People have always polluted their surroundings. Even in ancient times people admitted that their health was depending on the state of surroundings. But only in XX century humanity, in full measure, …
The pollution
The pollution
The air pollution
The air pollution
The water pollution
The water pollution
The soil pollution
The soil pollution
Actually, our planet was also experiencing more significant cataclysms, but she is now inhabited. Th
Actually, our planet was also experiencing more significant cataclysms, but she is now inhabited. The question is not this. Just did not survive its inhabitants. We next.
Dead end
Dead end

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