Презентация «The development of nanoporous hydrogen storages»

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Презентация «The development of nanoporous hydrogen storages»

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THE DEVELOPMENT OF NANOPOROUS HYDROGEN STORAGES The alternative source for cars - hydrogen Why is hy
THE DEVELOPMENT OF NANOPOROUS HYDROGEN STORAGES The alternative source for cars - hydrogen Why is hydrogen needed? A modern commercially available car with a range of 400 km burns about 24 kg of …
Conventional and nonconventional hydrogen storages.
Conventional and nonconventional hydrogen storages.
Our idea To create such a material, which would be able to accumulate hydrogen both in its atomic an
Our idea To create such a material, which would be able to accumulate hydrogen both in its atomic and molecular states. Complex hydrides (V, Ti, Mg)Ny
Nanocrystalline porous complex hydrides (V, Ti)NxHy
Nanocrystalline porous complex hydrides (V, Ti)NxHy
Structural changes in VNx films by absorption and desorption of hydrogen. Scanning and transmission
Structural changes in VNx films by absorption and desorption of hydrogen. Scanning and transmission microscopy.
Hydrogen absorption by TiNx, (V, 0,1Ti)Nx films
Hydrogen absorption by TiNx, (V, 0,1Ti)Nx films
The diagram of hydrogen absorption by nanoporous structures
The diagram of hydrogen absorption by nanoporous structures
Hydrogen desorption by TiN, VN and VN+Ni films
Hydrogen desorption by TiN, VN and VN+Ni films

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