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The beginning of space exploration The presentation was prepared by Luzin Kirill, Luzin Konstantin and Alexander Alexandrov
Beginning The theoretical foundations of Astronautics was founded in the work of Isaac Newton "Mathematical principles of natural philosophy" published in 1687.
The first idea 24 Mar 1881 Kibalchich, while in custody, put forward the idea of rocket aircraft with an oscillating combustor, capable of space travel. His request for transfer of the manuscript to …
The Tsiolkovsky formula Russian scientist Konstantin Tsiolkovsky was one of the first who put forward the idea of using rockets for space flight. Rocket for interplanetary communications, he designed …
Korolev and his team 16 September 1953 opened the first research work on space subjects "Research on the creation of the first artificial satellite of the Earth. “ In 1956, Tikhonravov with some …
The evolution of the cosmos now 2001, 5 may - the first space tourist — Dennis Tito (USA). He was taken to the ISS by the Russian ship "of Association TM-32" in the framework of the …
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