Презентация «Степени сравнения»

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Презентация «Степени сравнения»

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Степени сравнения Разработана учителем английского языка МОАУ СОШ №26 Г Благовещенска
Степени сравнения Разработана учителем английского языка МОАУ СОШ №26 Г Благовещенска
«Степени сравнения», слайд 2
«Степени сравнения», слайд 3
Слова исключения
Слова исключения
as … as A sheep is as happy as a hen A Zoo is as interesting as a theater A flamingo is as beautiful
as … as A sheep is as happy as a hen A Zoo is as interesting as a theater A flamingo is as beautiful as a swan Ice-cream is as tasty as a cake Tom is as fast as a horse
«Степени сравнения», слайд 6
*popular actor This actor is popular. favourite artist beautiful flower interesting book fantastic f
*popular actor This actor is popular. favourite artist beautiful flower interesting book fantastic film exciting excursion famous monument
more *popular actor This actor is more popular. favourite artist beautiful flower interesting book f
more *popular actor This actor is more popular. favourite artist beautiful flower interesting book fantastic film exciting excursion famous monument
the most *popular actor This actor is the most popular. favourite artist beautiful flower interestin
the most *popular actor This actor is the most popular. favourite artist beautiful flower interesting book fantastic film exciting excursion famous monument

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