Презентация «SPORT IS FUN»

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Презентация «SPORT IS FUN»

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S p o r t i s F u n !
S p o r t i s F u n !
I can play
I can play
I can
I can
W i n t e r S p o r t
W i n t e r S p o r t
S p o r t Sport is fun for boys and girls. It’s much better than the toys. You can sledge, and ski,
S p o r t Sport is fun for boys and girls. It’s much better than the toys. You can sledge, and ski, and skate, And play snowballs with Kate. You can swim and play football, Hockey, tennis, …
Sport is fun for boys and girls . Sport is fun for boys and girls . It’s much better than the toys .
Sport is fun for boys and girls . Sport is fun for boys and girls . It’s much better than the toys . You can sledge and ski and skate And play snowballs with Kate.
You can swim and play football, You can swim and play football, Hockey, tennis, basketball. You can
You can swim and play football, You can swim and play football, Hockey, tennis, basketball. You can jump and you can run You can have a lot of fun!
S p o r t Sport is fun for ____ and ____. It’s much better than the ____. You can _____, and ____, a
S p o r t Sport is fun for ____ and ____. It’s much better than the ____. You can _____, and ____, and ____, And ____ __________ with Kate. You can ____ and play ________, ______, ______, __________. …
Автор: Хорошавина Анна Олеговна Учитель английского языка Школа №328 Санкт-Петербург
Автор: Хорошавина Анна Олеговна Учитель английского языка Школа №328 Санкт-Петербург

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