Презентация «Singapore International Arbitration Centre»

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Презентация «Singapore International Arbitration Centre»

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Singapore International Arbitration Centre Выполнили: Екатерина Конкина и Ксения Котыбаева (ПОНБ – 2
Singapore International Arbitration Centre Выполнили: Екатерина Конкина и Ксения Котыбаева (ПОНБ – 203)
SIAC - independent non-profit organization founded in 1991. SIAC runs the board of directors, compos
SIAC - independent non-profit organization founded in 1991. SIAC runs the board of directors, composed of professionals in the field of arbitration from the USA, Great Britain, Switzerland, India, …
SIAC's decision to recognize approximately 150 countries according to the New York Convention.
SIAC's decision to recognize approximately 150 countries according to the New York Convention. As a rule, the Singapore International Arbitration examines: SIAC's decision to recognize …
Arbitration is conducted in English, but the Secretariat consists of a staff fluent in many language
Arbitration is conducted in English, but the Secretariat consists of a staff fluent in many languages, including Chinese, Korean, French, Hindi and Malay. Arbitration is conducted in English, but the …
Usually adjudication by an arbitral tribunal consisting of one judge takes between 9 to 12 months, d
Usually adjudication by an arbitral tribunal consisting of one judge takes between 9 to 12 months, depending on the complexity of the case. If the three judges, the decision shall be made a little …
The fee for the transfer of the case to the arbitration court of 2 140 Singapore dollars in the even
The fee for the transfer of the case to the arbitration court of 2 140 Singapore dollars in the event that the parties are residents of Singapore and 2,000 Singapore dollars for non-residents, which …
The SIAC decision were recognized in many foreign countries, including Indonesia, China, Hong Kong,
The SIAC decision were recognized in many foreign countries, including Indonesia, China, Hong Kong, India, Australia, USA, Malaysia, Thailand, Vietnam and Jordan. The SIAC decision were recognized in …
As can be seen from the above, Singapore today provides many tools for rapid, low-cost, effective an
As can be seen from the above, Singapore today provides many tools for rapid, low-cost, effective and equitable resolution of commercial disputes. Singapore courts are respected and trusted, proof of …
Thank you for attention!
Thank you for attention!

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