Презентация «Sai Love in Ukraine»

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Презентация «Sai Love in Ukraine»

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Sai Love in Ukraine Service activities
Sai Love in Ukraine Service activities
Sai Service in Ukraine
Sai Service in Ukraine
Officially registered organizations in Ukraine
Officially registered organizations in Ukraine
Social Service Projects Narayana Seva English language lessons (Sathya Sai vedic center, Kharkov) Co
Social Service Projects Narayana Seva English language lessons (Sathya Sai vedic center, Kharkov) Computer lessons Human Values program, Art-therapy Drawing lessons Family Club Ladies Club Massage
1st spiritual practical conference “Bala Sai 2015”, Kiev “Pranayama for Life” workshop (Dhroeh Nanko
1st spiritual practical conference “Bala Sai 2015”, Kiev “Pranayama for Life” workshop (Dhroeh Nankoe) Laksharchana Khorovods (tradicional circel dances) Temple dance Odissi Vedic hymns Shiva Lingam …
Sai Festival, Kiev, 26-27 december 2015 Presentation of Sai memories book “Reflections of Sun in sti
Sai Festival, Kiev, 26-27 december 2015 Presentation of Sai memories book “Reflections of Sun in still water”, Gala Moskvitina Bhajans singing school, Andrey Omkar (Moscow, Russia) Kirtan 3 Pujas …
Free public concerts “Unity in Love” for Sathya Sai 90th birthday, Kiev and Vinnitsa Different music
Free public concerts “Unity in Love” for Sathya Sai 90th birthday, Kiev and Vinnitsa Different musicians, singers, groups and performances from Kiev, Vinnitsa, Odessa, Kharkov (Ukraine) Special guest …
Bal Vikas LESSONS OF GOODNESS Theatre performances with human values background Group singing and da
Bal Vikas LESSONS OF GOODNESS Theatre performances with human values background Group singing and dancing Creativity drawing lessons Group plays for development the spirit of oneness Minutes of …
Ladies club Yoga for women Satsang for women Handmade lessons
Ladies club Yoga for women Satsang for women Handmade lessons
Youth Sai Camps
Youth Sai Camps
Spiritual wing Yoga (hatja, kriya), Tai Chi Meditation (dhyana yoga) Laksharchana’s (100 000 times r
Spiritual wing Yoga (hatja, kriya), Tai Chi Meditation (dhyana yoga) Laksharchana’s (100 000 times repeating of Divine Name) Pujas, Jagnas Vedic hymns singing and learning Satsangs Bhajan school …
Internet projects “Sathya Sai Baba community”, Kiev Sai Youth facebook project, 525 members Site: “S
Internet projects “Sathya Sai Baba community”, Kiev Sai Youth facebook project, 525 members Site: “Sathya Sai Vedic center” Kharkov

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