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Russia as a Donor and Its Aid to Other Countries Anna Vostrikova, Arina Romanova, Ekaterina Keshisheva, Georgy Naumenok, Marat Shakhgereev
Plan of our Paper: Introduction: Russian Transformation From Recipient to Donor Main part: Case of Venezuela Case of Syria Case of Ukraine Conclusion
Russian Transition From Recipient to Donor What were the factors for the Russian Federation to be a recipient in the early 1990s and 2000s? When did Russia decide to emerge as a new donor? Which …
Case of Venezuela: Warm relations’ prequel (XIX cent. , 1945, 2001) Russia’s influence on Venezuelan political structure (socialists) Reasons for it during Chavez's and Maduro’s reigns (debt …
Case of Syria: Why does Russia provide military and humanitarian aid to Syria? (reasons) and what are the purposes? Why not other countries in that region? To what extent had Russia interfered into …
Reasons Political reasons ( show its role on the global stage and to undermine American Influence in ME region. ) to test out the capabilities of its newly-expanded military. Russian economic …
Case of Ukraine: Why did Russia provide humanitarian and gas aid to Ukraine? What were the main purposes? Why Ukraine and not another country? Was there any influence on institutional development and …
Conclusion Political reasons To test out the capabilities Russian economic interests Cases are most illustrative & demonstrative
References: Allen-Ebrahimian, B. (2017, October). Russia Is the Biggest Recipient of Chinese Foreign Aid. In Foreign Policy. Retrieved from Brezhneva, A. , & Ukhova, D. (2013, July 15). Russia As …
References Rakhmangulov, M. (2010). Establishing International Development Assistance Strategy in Russia. In National Research University Higher School of Economics. Retrieved from Rahman-Jones, I …
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