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Head of Department of NPPs Safety Analysis of Institute for Safety Problems of Nuclear Power Plants of National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine Head of Branch of NPP Chair of National Academy of …
The main directions of reassessment of nuclear power safety in view of lessons of FUKUSHIMA-DAIICHI accident. The main directions of reassessment of nuclear power safety in view of lessons of …
1. Improved methods to substantiate severe accident management strategies in view of lessons of FUKUSHIMA-DAIICHI accident. 1. Improved methods to substantiate severe accident management strategies …
Improved methods to substantiate severe accident management strategies in view of lessons Improved methods to substantiate severe accident management strategies in view of lessons of …
To develop and improve the methods to substantiate severe accident management strategies taking into account the lessons of the accident at NPP Fukushima-Daiichi. . To develop and improve the methods …
Improved methodology of VVER SAMGs to form effective strategies of severe accident management based on symptom-informed approach. Improved methodology of VVER SAMGs to form effective strategies of …
Substantiation of Project Substantiation of Project Flooding of Fukushima-Daiichi site by a tsunami caused beyond design basis earthquake (MSK magnitude 9 at the epicentrum) was an initial event of …
The main objective of the project consists in an independent expert assessment of possibility of flooding of NPP sites under the joint exposure of beyond design basis extreme natural phenomena and …
Substantiation and Relevance Substantiation and Relevance The phenomenon of thermoacoustic instability (TAI) of the coolant is connected with appearance of the high-frequency (meet the propagation …
The technical substantiations of reactor designs have not included methodical bases of definition of conditions and boundaries of appearance of the coolant TAI in the reactor core. The technical …
The pressurized reactors like WWER, PWR are able to realise the necessary conditions of TAI in transitional (start-up/shutdown) or emergency operation – surface "boiling" of the subcooled …
Thus, to develop and implement of the on-line diagnostic system of TAI in the reactor core is the topical problem for WWER, PWR. This system has to define a reactor state concerning TAI and to carry …
The main objective is to substantiate and develop the operative system of TAI diagnostics in WWERs/PWRs. Based only on regularly registered parameters of reactor (without additional systems of …
Relevance Relevance Long-term operating experience of NPPs confirms need to review the existing design strategy of tests of safety-related systems (SRS) during reactor operation at power, and …
Dependence of an extremum of an integral reliability factor on SRS test frequency has obvious interpretation: to reveal the hidden failures/defects during standby mode of SRS it is necessary to …
Main Objective and Tasks of Project Main Objective and Tasks of Project The main objective is to develop optimization methods of scheduling of SRS tests, maintenance, and repair to improve safety and …
New techniques and software to optimize scheduling of SRS tests, maintenance and repair, Estimated optimum periodicity of tests, maintenance and repair for selective number of SRS of power units with …
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