Презентация «Pronouns. Groups»

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Презентация «Pronouns. Groups»

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Groups Personal Demonstrative Interrogative Indefinite
Groups Personal Demonstrative Interrogative Indefinite
Morphological categories Person Number (singular, dual and plural) Case Gender (in the 3rd person si
Morphological categories Person Number (singular, dual and plural) Case Gender (in the 3rd person singular) Personal pronouns of the 1st person followed a suppletive paradigm (in Russian and Latin: …
Declension of Personal Pronouns in OE
Declension of Personal Pronouns in OE
Personal Pronouns in ME and NE
Personal Pronouns in ME and NE
Demonstrative Pronouns in OE
Demonstrative Pronouns in OE
Demonstrative Pronouns in ME and NE
Demonstrative Pronouns in ME and NE
Indefinite and Negative Pronouns Simple pronouns - ‘sum’ (NE ‘some’), ‘an’ and ‘ǣniʒ’ (NE ‘one, any’
Indefinite and Negative Pronouns Simple pronouns - ‘sum’ (NE ‘some’), ‘an’ and ‘ǣniʒ’ (NE ‘one, any’); ‘nān’ (NE ‘none’) ; ‘ æÞer ’ (NE ‘ any of two’); ‘ ʒehwa ’ (NE ‘every’) Compound pronouns - …
Interrogative Pronouns ‘hwā’ (Masc. and Fem. ) - NE ‘who’ ‘hwæt’ (Neut. ) – NE ‘what’ ‘hwylc’ - NE ‘
Interrogative Pronouns ‘hwā’ (Masc. and Fem. ) - NE ‘who’ ‘hwæt’ (Neut. ) – NE ‘what’ ‘hwylc’ - NE ‘which’ the Instrumental case of ‘hwæt’ - ‘hwў’( NE ‘why’)
Possessive Pronouns Developed from the Genitive case of personal pronouns: mīn, þīn, his, hire, ēōwe
Possessive Pronouns Developed from the Genitive case of personal pronouns: mīn, þīn, his, hire, ēōwer
Relative Pronouns Þāt sē, þāt, seo, sǣ that which whom and whose who
Relative Pronouns Þāt sē, þāt, seo, sǣ that which whom and whose who

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