Презентация «Politics as science»

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Презентация «Politics as science»

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International Educational Corporation Handouts Topic №1 Politics as science Political Science 2017-2
International Educational Corporation Handouts Topic №1 Politics as science Political Science 2017-2018 years 2 credits assoc. professor Yerkin Massanov
The brief content: 1. Etymological definition; 2. Meaning of Political Science; 3. Subject of the Po
The brief content: 1. Etymological definition; 2. Meaning of Political Science; 3. Subject of the Political Science.
Etymological definition: Greek. The word politics has its origins in Ancient Greece. All of the citi
Etymological definition: Greek. The word politics has its origins in Ancient Greece. All of the cities in Ancient Greece, such as Athens, Sparta, and Corinth, were referred to as city-states and the …
The Ancien Greek cities
The Ancien Greek cities
Acropolis of Athens Acropolis of Athens
Acropolis of Athens Acropolis of Athens
Meaning of Political Science: 1. The term political science is the systematic study of the state and
Meaning of Political Science: 1. The term political science is the systematic study of the state and the government; 2. Political Science is a social science regarding the practice and theory of …
“Definition of Politics: Latin.
“Definition of Politics: Latin.
SCOPE OF POLITICAL SCIENCE: 1. Political Theory; 2. Public Law; 3. Public Administration.
SCOPE OF POLITICAL SCIENCE: 1. Political Theory; 2. Public Law; 3. Public Administration.
Interrelationships with other branched of learning: 1. History; 2. Economics; 3. Geography; 4. Socio
Interrelationships with other branched of learning: 1. History; 2. Economics; 3. Geography; 4. Sociology and Anthropology; 5. Psychology; 6. Philosophy; 7. Statistics and Logic 8. Jurisprudence.
Function and importance of political science “The function of political science is to discover the p
Function and importance of political science “The function of political science is to discover the principles that should be adhered to in public affairs that eventually would serve as a model that …
Elements of state: 1. People – the mass of the population living within the state. 2. Territory – de
Elements of state: 1. People – the mass of the population living within the state. 2. Territory – demarcated area that rightly belongs to the population. - answer the question, “where?”; - …
Sovereignty: a) Internal – power of the state to rule within its territory (Chechnya); b) External –
Sovereignty: a) Internal – power of the state to rule within its territory (Chechnya); b) External – the freedom of the state to carry out its activities without subjection to or control by other …
State distinguished from nation: - “The state is a political concept while a nation is an ethnic con
State distinguished from nation: - “The state is a political concept while a nation is an ethnic concept”; - “A state is not subject to external control while a nation may or may not be independent …
The control questions: 1. Definition of political science? 2. Function of political science? 3. What
The control questions: 1. Definition of political science? 2. Function of political science? 3. What are differences of Nation and State?
SIW: SIW: 1. Differences function of Political Science; 2. The basic directions of Political Science
SIW: SIW: 1. Differences function of Political Science; 2. The basic directions of Political Science (essay 2-3 pages). SIWT: 1. Meaning of state teen policy? 2. Differences between the government …

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