Презентация «New Year in England»

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Презентация «New Year in England»

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«New Year in England», слайд 1
NEW YEAR’S PARADE IN LONDON London hosts the New Year’s Parade,in which more than 10. 000 people par
NEW YEAR’S PARADE IN LONDON London hosts the New Year’s Parade,in which more than 10. 000 people participate,including musicians,magicians and mummers. And coduct street carnival with the Santa Claus …
BRITISH NEW YEAR’S TABLE The British for the New Year are cooking special food: apple pie,oat cakes,
BRITISH NEW YEAR’S TABLE The British for the New Year are cooking special food: apple pie,oat cakes,puddings, and from hot dishes:fried goose and steaks.
EXCHANGE GIFTS The British for the New Year exchange gifts:vari- ous souvenirs in the from of keycha
EXCHANGE GIFTS The British for the New Year exchange gifts:vari- ous souvenirs in the from of keychains of candles or beautiful teaspoons,al- so give small postards, to sweets and Christmas tree …
«New Year in England», слайд 5

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