Презентация «Лондон»

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Презентация «Лондон»

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London is the capital of England. This is a big and beautiful city. A multitude of museums, theatres
London is the capital of England. This is a big and beautiful city. A multitude of museums, theatres, cinemas, parks.
The Museum of Madam Tussaud it is a Museum of wax figures. There were presented cartoons, singers, a
The Museum of Madam Tussaud it is a Museum of wax figures. There were presented cartoons, singers, actors, politicians and many others.
«Лондон», слайд 4
Hyde Park Hyde Park is famous for its entertainment in the open air and out of the Corner of the Spe
Hyde Park Hyde Park is famous for its entertainment in the open air and out of the Corner of the Speaker. On Sunday morning, everyone can act at his own subject.
Park of Saint James of the oldest Park of London, he is very handsome with his flower beds and trees
Park of Saint James of the oldest Park of London, he is very handsome with his flower beds and trees, and overlooking Buckingham Palace.

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