Презентация «Introduction to graphs»

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Презентация «Introduction to graphs»

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Introduction to graphs Lyzhin Ivan, 2015
Introduction to graphs Lyzhin Ivan, 2015
Definition G = (V, E) V – vertexes E – edges
Definition G = (V, E) V – vertexes E – edges
Types Directed/undirected Weighted/unweighted Simple graph/multigraph Connected/unconnected Bipartit
Types Directed/undirected Weighted/unweighted Simple graph/multigraph Connected/unconnected Bipartite With cycles/without cycles
Ways of presenting in memory Adjacency matrix
Ways of presenting in memory Adjacency matrix
Ways of presenting in memory Incidence matrix
Ways of presenting in memory Incidence matrix
Ways of presenting in memory List of edges
Ways of presenting in memory List of edges
Ways of presenting in memory Adjacency list
Ways of presenting in memory Adjacency list
Problems without explicit graph Labyrinth Number of objects
Problems without explicit graph Labyrinth Number of objects
Basic algorithms Depth-First Search (DFS)
Basic algorithms Depth-First Search (DFS)
Basic algorithms Breadth-First Search (BFS)
Basic algorithms Breadth-First Search (BFS)
Examples Find cycle in graph Count number of connected components in graph Find distance and path fr
Examples Find cycle in graph Count number of connected components in graph Find distance and path from one vertex to each other in unweighted graph
Home task
Home task

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