Презентация «Intercultural mediation and social partnership»

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Презентация «Intercultural mediation and social partnership»

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Intercultural mediation and social partnership  Elena Railean, PhD
Intercultural mediation and social partnership  Elena Railean, PhD
What is the culture? = the sum of a way of life, including expected behaviour, beliefs, values, lang
What is the culture? = the sum of a way of life, including expected behaviour, beliefs, values, language and living practices shared by members of a society. It consists of both explicit and implicit …
What is mediation? a dynamic, structured, interactive process where a neutral third party assists di
What is mediation? a dynamic, structured, interactive process where a neutral third party assists disputing parties in resolving conflict through the use of specialized communication and negotiation …
Intercultural mediation? the current world is characterised by a growing "transculturalness&quo
Intercultural mediation? the current world is characterised by a growing "transculturalness": globalisation, Internet, modern methods of communication, each of these help to develop …
Globalisation = a force for change in all aspects of the contemporary world, and the importance for
Globalisation = a force for change in all aspects of the contemporary world, and the importance for graduates to be able to engage and act globally MEDIATOR: OTHER COMPETENCES OR NEW SKILLS? = a …
Competence a complex combination of knowledge, skills, understanding, values, attitudes and desire w
Competence a complex combination of knowledge, skills, understanding, values, attitudes and desire which lead to effective, embodied human action in the world, in a particular domain (Deakin Crick, …
What are constituent elements of intercultural mediation competence?
What are constituent elements of intercultural mediation competence?
Intercultural competence terminology Intercultural mediation competence (or intercultural mediation,
Intercultural competence terminology Intercultural mediation competence (or intercultural mediation, transnational mediation) proven ability to communicate with people from other cultures ability to …
Competency Ice-Berg Model = a combination of knowledge, skills, and attitudes which is reflected in
Competency Ice-Berg Model = a combination of knowledge, skills, and attitudes which is reflected in behavior and can be observed, measurement and evaluated
How to assist the intercultural mediation to be interculturally competent? internal outcomes - an in
How to assist the intercultural mediation to be interculturally competent? internal outcomes - an individual who learns is flexible, adaptable, empathetic and adopts an ethno-relative perspective …
MEDIATION IN AN INTERCULTURAL CONTEXT: Spoken word and communication The spoken word is the tool and
MEDIATION IN AN INTERCULTURAL CONTEXT: Spoken word and communication The spoken word is the tool and basis for mediation. To retain the true value of words spoken (or silence), the mediator should …
MEDIATION IN AN INTERCULTURAL CONTEXT: The choice of language and communication Must English be the
MEDIATION IN AN INTERCULTURAL CONTEXT: The choice of language and communication Must English be the international language for an intercultural mediation ? Is a multilingual mediation preferable …
MEDIATION IN AN INTERCULTURAL CONTEXT: Specific ability to manage intercultural mediations bridging
MEDIATION IN AN INTERCULTURAL CONTEXT: Specific ability to manage intercultural mediations bridging the gap, facilitating negotiations and settlement demonstrate intercultural experience, …
Questions to reflect Should there be a specific training programme for intercultural mediation? Shou
Questions to reflect Should there be a specific training programme for intercultural mediation? Should mediation centres put in place a panel of specialists for intercultural mediation ? Can …
3 Models Multicultural refers to a society that contains several cultural or ethnic groups. People l
3 Models Multicultural refers to a society that contains several cultural or ethnic groups. People live alongside one another, but each cultural group does not necessarily have engaging interactions …
3 Models Cross-cultural deals with the comparison of different cultures. In cross-cultural communica
3 Models Cross-cultural deals with the comparison of different cultures. In cross-cultural communication, differences are understood and acknowledged, and can bring about individual change, but not …
Reference What is the difference? Railean, E. (2017). User interface design of open textbooks: How s
Reference What is the difference? Railean, E. (2017). User interface design of open textbooks: How screens affect learning. Springer Railean, E. (2019). Metasystems learning design of open Textbooks. …

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