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INTEGRATED APPROACHES TO SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT PRACTICE Policy Coherence: Migration, Trade, Aid, and Development Milena Novy-Marx, Ph. D. John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation February 26, …
Overview 1. Impacts of Trade and Migration on Development 2. Policy Coherence: Why it Matters 3. Examples of Incoherence United Kingdom and Migration of Health Workers Philippines Agricultural policy …
Impacts of Trade on Development Presumption that freer trade promotes economic growth and development Comparative Advantage Increased efficiency Freer trade will not promote growth absent basic …
Migration and Development Worldwide: 200 million international migrants or 3% of global population Increasing complexity of migration Half of all migrants are women Wage and demographic and …
Impacts in Countries of Origin Remittances totaled 6 billion in 2006
Impacts in Countries of Origin and Destination Countries of Origin Remittances – poverty reduction Release pressure on local labor markets Brain Drain Diaspora: Transfers of Knowledge, Investment, …
Trade and Migration Differences and Similarities between flows of goods and people Complexity of migration due to human dimension Gains from trade and migration are not evenly distributed
Policy Coherence: Why? Policy Coherence is the systematic promotion of mutually reinforcing policy actions by governments Policies on trade, aid, development and migration can be complements Yet …
United Kingdom: Health Workers UK: Migration policy recruits Malawian nurses UK’s aid agency provides aid to Malawi’s health sector 0 million in 2004, million for health in 2005 Recruitment …
Countries with critical health worker shortages
Philippines Promoting emigration of doctors and nurses leads to a domestic shortage in health workers Emigration as national development strategy has compromised some development outcomes Decline in …
Developed countries’ agriculture, trade, and aid policies Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) development assistance promotes trade and agriculture Agriculture a key sector …
US and Mexico: North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) US increased border enforcement to cut migration while the free trade pact increased it NAFTA does not address migration, subsidies NAFTA …
A Policy Solution: United Kingdom Commonwealth Code of Practice Restricts recruitment by national health service Innovative arrangements: hospital twinnings, training Malawi UK increases aid to …
Global Forum on Migration and Development Nascent effort to coordinate policies on migration and development within and between countries Inter-governmental and civil society meetings to exchange …
Policy Recommendations Governments should: Establish focal points or departments in Ministries Develop formal consultations between Ministries/agencies Developing national policies/plans for …
Conclusion Better coordinated policies on aid, migration and trade can be complementary, creating synergies for development Challenges to implementation
Discussion Questions What are examples of policy incoherence in your country? Has policy coherence improved in any areas? Is policy coherence primarily an issue for developed countries? What lessons …
INTEGRATED APPROACHES TO SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT PRACTICE Policy Coherence: Migration, Trade, Aid and Development Lecture Milena Novy-Marx
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