Презентация «How Competition Shapes the Creation and Distribution of Economic Value»

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Презентация «How Competition Shapes the Creation and Distribution of Economic Value»

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How Competition Shapes the Creation and Distribution of Economic Value
How Competition Shapes the Creation and Distribution of Economic Value
Ideally, firms in an industry would like to capture most or all of the economic value that they crea
Ideally, firms in an industry would like to capture most or all of the economic value that they create. Ideally, firms in an industry would like to capture most or all of the economic value that they …
Michael Porter developed his Five Forces concept from basic ideas in the field of industrial economi
Michael Porter developed his Five Forces concept from basic ideas in the field of industrial economics. In this set of lectures, we will see how these economic forces operate. Michael Porter …
«How Competition Shapes the Creation and Distribution of Economic Value», слайд 4
The previous lecture illustrated the impact of two of Porter’s “Five Forces of Competition”: The pre
The previous lecture illustrated the impact of two of Porter’s “Five Forces of Competition”: The previous lecture illustrated the impact of two of Porter’s “Five Forces of Competition”: Bargaining …
Let’s begin with the two forces implicit in the examples from last time. Let’s begin with the two fo
Let’s begin with the two forces implicit in the examples from last time. Let’s begin with the two forces implicit in the examples from last time. According to Porter (1980), the bargaining power of …
«How Competition Shapes the Creation and Distribution of Economic Value», слайд 7
«How Competition Shapes the Creation and Distribution of Economic Value», слайд 8
«How Competition Shapes the Creation and Distribution of Economic Value», слайд 9
Buyer power greater when: Buyers are more concentrated Buyers are better informed
Buyer power greater when: Buyers are more concentrated Buyers are better informed
We also saw that an increase in producer rivalry makes the industry less attractive. We also saw tha
We also saw that an increase in producer rivalry makes the industry less attractive. We also saw that an increase in producer rivalry makes the industry less attractive. Consider examples 1. 5 and 1. …
«How Competition Shapes the Creation and Distribution of Economic Value», слайд 12
«How Competition Shapes the Creation and Distribution of Economic Value», слайд 13
«How Competition Shapes the Creation and Distribution of Economic Value», слайд 14
«How Competition Shapes the Creation and Distribution of Economic Value», слайд 15
Implications More direct competitors Industry excess capacity Exit barriers
Implications More direct competitors Industry excess capacity Exit barriers
Now let’s consider the threat of entry. Now let’s consider the threat of entry.
Now let’s consider the threat of entry. Now let’s consider the threat of entry.
«How Competition Shapes the Creation and Distribution of Economic Value», слайд 18
«How Competition Shapes the Creation and Distribution of Economic Value», слайд 19
«How Competition Shapes the Creation and Distribution of Economic Value», слайд 20
«How Competition Shapes the Creation and Distribution of Economic Value», слайд 21
Potential Entrants Almost like rival producers (when entry is fast) Impeded by “entry barriers” (cos
Potential Entrants Almost like rival producers (when entry is fast) Impeded by “entry barriers” (costs of entry) Incumbents can take actions to deter entry
Now let’s consider the impact of “supplier power. ” Now let’s consider the impact of “supplier power
Now let’s consider the impact of “supplier power. ” Now let’s consider the impact of “supplier power. ” We will add supplier(s) as an additional level of potential value creation, beyond the …
«How Competition Shapes the Creation and Distribution of Economic Value», слайд 24
«How Competition Shapes the Creation and Distribution of Economic Value», слайд 25
«How Competition Shapes the Creation and Distribution of Economic Value», слайд 26
Implications Suppliers can siphon value from producers Power increases with supplier concentration A
Implications Suppliers can siphon value from producers Power increases with supplier concentration Analysis similar to buyer power Important issue: At what stage(s) are profits captured within the …
As we will see, substitutes act to reduce the economic value that firms in the focal industry can cr
As we will see, substitutes act to reduce the economic value that firms in the focal industry can create. In general, the incremental value created by a given product will diminish as the substitute …
As we will see, substitutes act to reduce the economic value that firms in the focal industry can cr
As we will see, substitutes act to reduce the economic value that firms in the focal industry can create. In general, the incremental value created by a given product will diminish as the substitute …
«How Competition Shapes the Creation and Distribution of Economic Value», слайд 31
«How Competition Shapes the Creation and Distribution of Economic Value», слайд 32
«How Competition Shapes the Creation and Distribution of Economic Value», слайд 33
«How Competition Shapes the Creation and Distribution of Economic Value», слайд 34
Competition from Substitutes Reduces buyers’ WTP for the industry’s product. Strengthens bargaining
Competition from Substitutes Reduces buyers’ WTP for the industry’s product. Strengthens bargaining position of single buyer. Given many buyers with varied WTP, lowers the demand curve for the …
Impact of Complements Sometimes called the “sixth industry force. ” Can be viewed as opposite of sub
Impact of Complements Sometimes called the “sixth industry force. ” Can be viewed as opposite of substitutes. Increases buyer’s WTP for the industry’s product. Raises the demand curve for the …
Conclusions Bargaining Power of Buyers Rivalry Between Established Competitors Threat of Entry Barga
Conclusions Bargaining Power of Buyers Rivalry Between Established Competitors Threat of Entry Bargaining Power of Suppliers Competition from Substitutes
«How Competition Shapes the Creation and Distribution of Economic Value», слайд 39

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