Презентация «Hipsters (Хипстеры)»

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Презентация «Hipsters (Хипстеры)»

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The concept of "hipsters" - appeared in the US in the 1940s. Translates roughly as "b
The concept of "hipsters" - appeared in the US in the 1940s. Translates roughly as "being in the topic. "
In our time, is generally used to mean "to urban youth"
In our time, is generally used to mean "to urban youth"
Recognize such people easily, they put on T-shirts with prints, sneakers, SLR camera, iPhone.
Recognize such people easily, they put on T-shirts with prints, sneakers, SLR camera, iPhone.
Dress hipsters very interesting, combining the latest trends of the season with vintage accessories
Dress hipsters very interesting, combining the latest trends of the season with vintage accessories and other rubbish.
They like to do a lot of photos, laying them in social networks.
They like to do a lot of photos, laying them in social networks.
They like to keep an online diary on LiveJournal and Twitter. Most of their actions or "thought
They like to keep an online diary on LiveJournal and Twitter. Most of their actions or "thought" immediately flow in social networks.
Their main difference from other subcultures - the ability to adapt to changing stop. Fashion change
Their main difference from other subcultures - the ability to adapt to changing stop. Fashion changes and trends, they also change internally and externally.
«Hipsters (Хипстеры)», слайд 9
«Hipsters (Хипстеры)», слайд 10

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