Презентация «Etymology. Mean of Etymology»

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Презентация «Etymology. Mean of Etymology»

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ETYMOLOGY Mukataeva Aiza
ETYMOLOGY Mukataeva Aiza
Mean of Etymology Etymology (/ˌɛtɪˈmɒlədʒi/) is the study of the history of words, their origins, an
Mean of Etymology Etymology (/ˌɛtɪˈmɒlədʒi/) is the study of the history of words, their origins, and how their form and meaning have changed over time. [1] By extension, the term "the etymology …
The word etymology derives from the Greek word ἐτυμολογία (etumología), itself from ἔτυμον (étumon),
The word etymology derives from the Greek word ἐτυμολογία (etumología), itself from ἔτυμον (étumon), meaning "true sense", and the suffix -logia, denoting "the study of". The word …
Etymology The main problem of etymological research is the fact that the original meaning of a lexem
Etymology The main problem of etymological research is the fact that the original meaning of a lexeme is unknowable. The meaning often changes , an if we go back looking at a word’s history, we could …
Semantic change Semantic change y SILLY ( g ) (Modern English) y Old English – saelig ≈ «happy, bles
Semantic change Semantic change y SILLY ( g ) (Modern English) y Old English – saelig ≈ «happy, blessed» y Middle English – seely ≈ «innocent» y Modern English – silly ≈ «weak» x «simple, ignorant» x …
Etymology words PUNCH – the name of the drink has nothing to do with the effect that it can have on
Etymology words PUNCH – the name of the drink has nothing to do with the effect that it can have on the drinker. The recipe of the drink originated in India,and the name comes from the Hindi word for …

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