Презентация «Environmental issues of the world»

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Презентация «Environmental issues of the world»

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Environmental issues of the world
Environmental issues of the world
The modern ecology has a set of important problems. For centuries man had used a huge amount of natu
The modern ecology has a set of important problems. For centuries man had used a huge amount of natural resources. Currently, the person is obliged to monitor the environment. People changed his mind …
water is the resource without which we cannot survive not one person, not one living organism on the
water is the resource without which we cannot survive not one person, not one living organism on the planet
Cars According to the world energy Council, about 17% of global greenhouse gas emissions in the atmo
Cars According to the world energy Council, about 17% of global greenhouse gas emissions in the atmosphere due to the operation of motor vehicles
Work of factories factories produce a huge amount of emissions released into the atmosphere, lithosp
Work of factories factories produce a huge amount of emissions released into the atmosphere, lithosphere and hydrosphere
Forest cutting Millions of hectares of deciduous and coniferous forests annually destroyed. Many of
Forest cutting Millions of hectares of deciduous and coniferous forests annually destroyed. Many of the territories that are left without wood as a result of deforestation or fires to turn into a …
Atomic weapon tests Long-term environmental consequences of nuclear explosions will exceed the life
Atomic weapon tests Long-term environmental consequences of nuclear explosions will exceed the life expectancy of future generations. The effects of nuclear explosions may cease to exist all life on …
A happy life depends on the environment and we must change the situation only for the better. enviro
A happy life depends on the environment and we must change the situation only for the better. environmental problems are very serious and difficult but, together, humanity can cope and preserve the …
In the result I would like to say that the governments of modern countries are beginning to pay atte
In the result I would like to say that the governments of modern countries are beginning to pay attention to environmental problems of our planet. Countries such as Israel and the UK is a leader in …
Thank you for your attention
Thank you for your attention

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