Слайды и текст доклада
ВСТУПЛЕНИЕ 1. In today’s world it is very important/ necessary for… to… about… . 2. People have always thought/believed/said that…. . 3. There is a dispute/discussion/no agreement on the problem of…. …
ДВОЙСТВЕННОСТЬ ПРОБЛЕМЫ Some people think that … while/ whereas others believe that… .
РИТОРИЧЕСКИЙ ВОПРОС SO, 1. Is it necessary to… ? 2. Will it be really beneficial for… to …? 3. Is it worth …-ing …? 4. Can … really improve … ? 5. Is … the only solution to solve the problem?
МОЁ МНЕНИЕ As I see it,/ Personally, I believe that …/ In my opinion,…/I am fully sure that…/ To my mind, …/ It seems to me that… . Firstly, … . Secondly,… .
МНЕНИЕ МОИХ ОППОНЕНТОВ However, some people think that…/there is an opposite opinion that …/yet not all people agree that… . To start with, …Moreover,….
МОЁ НЕСОГЛАСИЕ Nevertheless,/ Still I disagree with that opinion/I cannot take that opinion seriously as… . Additionally, …. .
ВЫВОД In conclusion,/ All in all,/ To sum up,/ In general,/In summary, I am sure that/ I insist that…/ I consider that… . Still it is necessary to remind that… /not to forget that … .
Средства логической связи Наиболее типичные союзы и союзные обороты: Firstly, To begin with, Secondly, Finally; In addition, Besides, Moreover, What is more, Furthermore,; However, Despite this, In …
НАИБОЛЕЕ ПРЕДПОЧТИТЕЛЬНАЯ ГРАММАТИКА 1. Сложноподчиненные и сложносочиненные предложения. 2. Безличные предложения. 3. Конструкции с инфинитивом, герундием, причастием 4. Степени сравнения …
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