Презентация «DSG. Automatic and manual modes»

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Презентация «DSG. Automatic and manual modes»

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dual-clutch A dual-clutch transmission, (DCT) (sometimes referred to as a twin-clutch transmission o
dual-clutch A dual-clutch transmission, (DCT) (sometimes referred to as a twin-clutch transmission or double-clutch transmission), is a type of automatic transmission or automated automotive …
Automatic and manual modes They are usually operated in a fully automatic mode, and many also have t
Automatic and manual modes They are usually operated in a fully automatic mode, and many also have the ability to allow the driver to manually shift gears in semi-automatic mode, albeit still carried …
«DSG. Automatic and manual modes», слайд 4
Benefits and Disadvantages Benefits: shift up speed is about 8 cm, which provides a dynamic accelera
Benefits and Disadvantages Benefits: shift up speed is about 8 cm, which provides a dynamic acceleration of the vehicle; Disadvantages: significantly increases the cost of the car; more expensive to …

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