Презентация «Demand and Supply»

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Презентация «Demand and Supply»

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Demand and Supply determinants
Demand and Supply determinants
Demand Law of Demand – with an increase of price demand decreases (the curve moves to the left) BUT
Demand Law of Demand – with an increase of price demand decreases (the curve moves to the left) BUT there are some non-price factors which affect the demand changes determinants
Demand determinantes 1. Subjective tastes of consumers 2. Changes of consumers’ quantity 3. Changes
Demand determinantes 1. Subjective tastes of consumers 2. Changes of consumers’ quantity 3. Changes in consumers’ income 4. Abutting goods on the market сопряженные товары Neutral products (chairs …
Supply Law of Supply - increase of price also increases the amount of supplied goods
Supply Law of Supply - increase of price also increases the amount of supplied goods
Supply determinants 1. Producer’s costs Taxes (taxes S ) Resources Technologies (implem-tion of new
Supply determinants 1. Producer’s costs Taxes (taxes S ) Resources Technologies (implem-tion of new technology S ) 2. The amount of producers on the market (amount supply )
3. Producer’s expectations 3. Producer’s expectations Expectation of tomorrow’s price increase can i
3. Producer’s expectations 3. Producer’s expectations Expectation of tomorrow’s price increase can increase the supply today 4. Prices on adjacent markets цены на смежных рынках Prices on …

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