Презентация «CRISP CARDBOARD Your Subtitle Goes Here»

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Презентация «CRISP CARDBOARD Your Subtitle Goes Here»

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CRISP CARDBOARD Your Subtitle Goes Here
CRISP CARDBOARD Your Subtitle Goes Here
International marketing-the marketing of goods and services in two or more countries.
International marketing-the marketing of goods and services in two or more countries.
Indirect export Exportes use an intermediary, such as an export agent, to deal with buyers in the ov
Indirect export Exportes use an intermediary, such as an export agent, to deal with buyers in the overseas market. Direct export Companies handle their own exports, for example by setting up overseas …
Licensing Companies sell the rights to use a manufacturing process, trademark or patent for a fee or
Licensing Companies sell the rights to use a manufacturing process, trademark or patent for a fee or royalty.
Joint ventures Two companies, for example an overseas firm and a local one, may work together to dev
Joint ventures Two companies, for example an overseas firm and a local one, may work together to develop a particular market.
Direct investment The company buys a local firm, or sets up its own manufacturing subsidiories.
Direct investment The company buys a local firm, or sets up its own manufacturing subsidiories.

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