Презентация «Control emissions of pollutants»

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Презентация «Control emissions of pollutants»

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Control emissions of pollutants Accepted:Sadybekova. L Fulfilled:Adilbek. G Nuraliyeva. A
Control emissions of pollutants Accepted:Sadybekova. L Fulfilled:Adilbek. G Nuraliyeva. A
PLAN PLAN Introduction 1. Types of emissions 2. Emissions control Conclusion References
PLAN PLAN Introduction 1. Types of emissions 2. Emissions control Conclusion References
Introduction Introduction Combustion, metal machining, chemical processes, material handling – the n
Introduction Introduction Combustion, metal machining, chemical processes, material handling – the number of pollutants occurring in connection with industrial processes is abundant. Here, it is …
Characteristic features: Characteristic features: * possibility of measurement visualization within
Characteristic features: Characteristic features: * possibility of measurement visualization within any time horizon, * archiving of data and generating of accounting reports, * application to …
1. Types of emissions 1. Types of emissions Emissions of many air pollutants have been shown to have
1. Types of emissions 1. Types of emissions Emissions of many air pollutants have been shown to have variety of negative effects on public health and the natural environment. Emissions that are …
Carbon monoxide (CO) - A product of incomplete combustion, inhaled carbon monoxide reduces the blood
Carbon monoxide (CO) - A product of incomplete combustion, inhaled carbon monoxide reduces the blood's ability to carry oxygen; overexposure (carbon monoxide poisoning) may be fatal Carbon …
Sulfur oxide (SOx) - A general term for oxides of sulfur, which are emitted from motor vehicles burn
Sulfur oxide (SOx) - A general term for oxides of sulfur, which are emitted from motor vehicles burning fuel containing sulfur. Sulfur oxide (SOx) - A general term for oxides of sulfur, which are …
2. Emissions control 2. Emissions control Engine efficiency has been steadily improved with improved
2. Emissions control 2. Emissions control Engine efficiency has been steadily improved with improved engine design, more precise ignition timing and electronic ignition, more precise fuel metering, …
«Control emissions of pollutants», слайд 9
«Control emissions of pollutants», слайд 10
Conclusion Conclusion Emissions control is the attempt to control, limit, reduce or even completely
Conclusion Conclusion Emissions control is the attempt to control, limit, reduce or even completely remove the pollutants that we, as humans release into the earth’s atmosphere from the burning of …
«Control emissions of pollutants», слайд 12

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