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Competition Law: Mergers Minsk 27. 11. 2017
Provisions of the TFEU Core Provisions: Article 101 of the TFEU Article 102 of the TFEU Article 106 of the TFEU Other Relevant Provisions Article 3 of the TFEU Article 14 of the TFEU Article 103 of …
General Rules Framework Legislation Council Regulation (EC) No 139/2004 of 20 January 2004 on the control of concentrations between undertakings (the EC Merger Regulation), OJ L 24/1, 29 January 2004 …
Key Features One firm buys out the shares of another: concentration of economic power in the hands of fewer than before; Reasons for oversight of economic concentrations by the state are the same as …
Mergers : Benefits increase in market power, increased market share and decreased number of competitors
Merger Control Merger control is about predicting what the market might be like, not knowing and making a judgment. Hence the central provision under EU law asks whether a concentration would if it …
Issues for Analyses Market shares of the merging companies (assessed and added); The Herfindahl-Hirschman Index (to calculate the “density” of the market, or what concentration exists); The product …
Defences Creation of efficiencies enough to outweigh any detriment; Technical and economic progress; A firm which is being taken over is about to fail or go insolvent, and taking it over leaves a no …
Historical Background USA: The Clayton Act EU: Art. 81 and 82 of the Treaty on EU 1973 – Commission Proposal for a Reg. of the Council of Ministers on the Control of Concentrations between …
Merger Control: The Policy Rationale “-” Mergers can have a marked impact on competition: Reduction of competition; Detriment for consumers; Stripping the assets of the acquired firm (which is …
Merger Control: The Policy Rationale “+” Enhancing economic efficiency: Easier to reap economies of scale; Enhancing distribution efficiency Enhancing managerial efficiency
Substantive Tests Does the concentration significantly impede effective competition? (EU) Does the concentration substantially lessen competition? (US, UK) Does the concentration lead to the creation …
Horizontal Mergers A horizontal merger is one between parties that are competitors at the same level of production and/or distribution of a good or service, i. e. , in the same relevant market. Types …
Coordinated Effects: “Airtours criteria” Coordination is more likely to emerge in markets where it is relatively simple to reach a common understanding on the terms of coordination. Conditions for …
Non-horizontal Mergers Basic forms of non-horizontal mergers: vertical mergers and conglomerate mergers
Vertical Mergers Between firms that operate at different but complementary levels in the chain of production (e. g. , manufacturing and an upstream market for an input) and/or distribution (e. g. , …
Conglomerate Mergers Conglomerate Mergers happen when companies acquire a large portfolio of related products, though without necessarily dominant shares in any individual market (firms operate in …
Merger Control Regimes Mandatory regime - filing of a transaction is compulsory (majority of merger jurisdictions worldwide) “suspensory clause“ - the parties to a transaction are indefinitely …
EU Merger Control: Basics Merger Regulation is the legal base for controlling merger operations between enterprises Mergers are inevitable and desirable, they are welcomed as one means of increasing …
Concentration: General Merger Regulation will only be applicable if there is a concentration (Art. 3 (1)) Extra-territorial catch Determination of concentration will be based on quantitative …
When to Notify? Either following: Conclusion of the agreement; Announcement of a public bid Acquisition of control Or After manifestation of good faith intent to do so
Notification Mandatory for all concentrations with a Community dimension Such concentrations shall not be implemented either before its notification or until it has been declared compatible with the …
Community Dimension: Thresholds the combined aggregate worldwide turnover (from ordinary activities and after turnover taxes) of all the undertakings concerned (in the case of the acquisition of …
Community Dimension In case the above thresholds are not met a concentration has nevertheless Community dimension, if the combined aggregate world-wide turnover of all the undertakings concerned is …
Phases Phase I: Initial Examination (Phase I deadline commences on the date when the complete notification is received by the Commission) Phase II: Initiation of proceedings (Phase II deadline …
Phase I: Initial Examination Detailed appraisal via: request for information, interviews, inspections carried out by the competent Authorities of the Member States and the Commission Member States …
Phase I: Decision (Art. 6) 6(1)a : the concentration does not fall within the scope of the Merger Regulation 6(1)b : the concentration does not raise serious doubts as to its compatibility with the …
Phase I: Decision (Art. 6) Article 6 decision to be taken: within 25 working days after receipt of the complete notification unless increased to 35 working days if a Member State makes a 9(2) …
Phase II: Initiation of proceedings Detailed appraisal via: request for information, interviews, inspections carried out by the competent Authorities of the Member States and the Commission …
Phase II: Decision (Art. 8) 8(1): approval in case of compatibility with the common market 8(2): approval with conditions and obligations rendering the concentration compatible with the common market …
Subsequent Actions upon Decision Two months from the date of the decision to lodge an appeal Possibility: Review by the European Court of First Instance and ultimately by the European Court of Justice
Differentiation between Community and National Merger Control Mergers with a Community dimension are, in general, investigated only be the Commission (Art. 21 of the Merger Regulation) Sole …
International Cooperation on Merger Issues Cooperation between the European Union and the United States: Best practices on cooperation in merger cases International Competition Network: Commission …
Relevant Case Law Continental Can 6-72 BAT and Reynolds v Commission 156/84 (1987) ECR 4487 Gencor Ltd. v. Commission T-102/96 Arjomari-Prioux/Wiggins Teape IV/M25 (1991) 4 CMLR 854 Northern …
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