Презентация «Christmas. The story of the holiday»

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Презентация «Christmas. The story of the holiday»

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Christmas. The story of the holiday.
Christmas. The story of the holiday.
«Christmas. The story of the holiday», слайд 2
«Christmas. The story of the holiday», слайд 3
«Christmas. The story of the holiday», слайд 4
Decoration of the House
Decoration of the House
(Stocking) Чулок для подарков In Great Britain children believe, that Santa Claus put presents in th
(Stocking) Чулок для подарков In Great Britain children believe, that Santa Claus put presents in the stockings.
Свеча (Candle) Candle is one of the Christmas traditions. People light candles when all family get t
Свеча (Candle) Candle is one of the Christmas traditions. People light candles when all family get together for Christmas dinner.
Holly. Остролист Holly is the flower of the Christmas season. People in Britain like to decorate the
Holly. Остролист Holly is the flower of the Christmas season. People in Britain like to decorate their houses with this green plant.
Carols. Рождественские песни (хоралы) Carols are special Christmas songs. It is very important tradi
Carols. Рождественские песни (хоралы) Carols are special Christmas songs. It is very important tradition in Britain. People sing them in churches and in the streets.
Candycane Рождественский Леденец Parents give children candy canes for Christmas. The candy is made
Candycane Рождественский Леденец Parents give children candy canes for Christmas. The candy is made as letter J, because name Jesus starts with this letter.
Ginger Cookies Имбирное печенье Ginger cookies is traditional food for Christmas. Children put these
Ginger Cookies Имбирное печенье Ginger cookies is traditional food for Christmas. Children put these cookies on the fireplace for Santa Claus.
Santa Claus or Father Christmas, is the legendary figure who brings presents to good children on Chr
Santa Claus or Father Christmas, is the legendary figure who brings presents to good children on Christmas Eve. Santa Claus is white-bearded man wearing a red coat and a hat, red trousers, and black …
«Christmas. The story of the holiday», слайд 13
«Christmas. The story of the holiday», слайд 14
«Christmas. The story of the holiday», слайд 15
«Christmas. The story of the holiday», слайд 16
The most popular Christmas song. Jingle bells Dashing through the snow, In a one-horse open sleigh,
The most popular Christmas song. Jingle bells Dashing through the snow, In a one-horse open sleigh, O'er the fields we go, Laughing all the way. Bells on bobtail ring, Making spirits bright. …
«Christmas. The story of the holiday», слайд 18

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