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Cellular network By Lugovnina Polina 452 group
Cellular network A cellular network or mobile network is a communication network where the last link is wireless. The network is distributed over land areas called cells, each served by at least one …
Cellular network Cellular networks offer a number of desirable features: More capacity than a single large transmitter, since the same frequency can be used for multiple links as long as they are in …
Concept In a cellular radio system, a land area to be supplied with radio service is divided into cells, in a pattern which depends on terrain and reception characteristics. Each of these cells is …
Mobile phone network The most common example of a cellular network is a mobile phone (cell phone) network. A mobile phone is a portable telephone which receives or makes calls through a cell site …
Mobile phone network A cellular network is used by the mobile phone operator to achieve both coverage and capacity for their subscribers. Large geographic areas are split into smaller cells to avoid …
Mobile phone network Since almost all mobile phones use cellular technology the term "cell phone" is in some regions, notably the US, used interchangeably with "mobile phone". …
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